Claudia Goldin, how has the role of women in the global labor market transformed over time?

«The role of women in the global labor market has undergone a profound transformation over the years. From the early struggles for workplace inclusion and recognition to the persistent gender pay gap, it’s been a journey marked by both triumphs and challenges».

What are the gender differences in the workforce?

«Historically, women have battled against deeply entrenched stereotypes and societal expectations that relegated them to domestic spheres and caretaking roles. Fast forward to today and women have made substantial strides in various professional domains and industries. However, the echoes of gender inequality persist. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 20231, we are still 131 years away from closing the global gender gap and the global gender wage gap was 11.9 percent in 20212, according to a Catalyst report».

How have women’s educational achievements impacted their labor market outcomes?

«Women’s educational achievements have soared in the last 25 years, as evidenced by UNESCO3’s Global Education Monitoring Report from 2020. Female enrolment tripled in tertiary education since 19954 and globally, equal numbers of boys and girls have enrolled in secondary education5. Despite this progress, women still fare significantly worse in the labor market. The International Labour Organization (ILO), women’s labor force participation was 47.4 percent in 2022, compared with 72.3 percent for men6. This gap means that for every economically inactive man, there are two such women7, according to the report».

What role does unpaid care work play in gender inequality?

«Unpaid care work also disproportionately falls on women globally. According to UN Women, women spend more than twice the time on unpaid care and domestic work than men8. Women also have the motherhood wage penalty, a well-documented phenomenon where women who have children experience a significant wage decrease compared to women without children and men with or without children9. The gender gap in entrepreneurship is also substantial as highlighted by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, which reports that one out of every three entrepreneurs is a woman10. While women’s representation in senior management roles rose to its highest ever number reported in 2021, that number is still just 31 percent11».

What are Claudia Goldin’s pioneering contributions to labor economics?

«This year, labor economist Claudia Goldin became a Nobel economist12, making her just the third woman ever to be awarded the prize and the only woman to receive the prize unshared. It’s a triumph not only for female economists, but for all working women.

Goldin, through her research, has played a pivotal role in elucidating the nuanced factors that reinforce these persistent disparities. Her work on the gender pay gap, for example, has provided crucial insights into the complex interplay of career choices, societal expectations, and workplace structures that contribute to the observed differentials in earnings between men and women.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023 was awarded to Goldin for “having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes” but Goldin has long since been known and celebrated for her work on women and the economy. Her research not only challenges prevailing narratives but also provides actionable insights for policymakers and advocates seeking to address gender disparities in the workforce. She has researched and written on topics ranging from the gender pay gap, the flexibility of occupational choices for women, the role of education and marriage, the impact of the contraceptive pill on women’s careers and marriage decisions, the motherhood penalty, and global perspectives on women in the workforce».

Why is Claudia Goldin’s Nobel win significant for gender equality in economics?

«As we celebrate Goldin as the newest Nobel Laureate, it’s essential to recognize the depth and breadth of her contributions, which continue to shape conversations and drive progress in the pursuit of gender equality. It is not merely an accolade for an individual but a celebration of the collective effort to balance out gender dynamics in the labor markets. May we all use this moment to move the conversation of gender equality forward».

1 Global Gender Gap Report, World Economic Forum

2 Women’s Earnings: The Pay Gap, Catalyst

3 Global Education Monitoring Report, UNESCO

4 Global Education Monitoring Report, key findings, UNESCO

5 Global Education Monitoring Report, key findings, UNESCO

6 World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2023, International Labor Organization

7 World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2023, International Labor Organization

8  Facts and Figures: Economic Empowerment, UN Women

9 The Motherhood Penalty, American Association of University Women

10 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/23 Women’s Entrepreneurship Report

11 Women in Management, Catalyst

12 Nobel Prize press release